For the complete list of rate filing documents, please visit PURA Docket 22-07-01.
Over the last nine years, Aquarion Water Company (AWC) has undertaken more than $740 million in water infrastructure improvements throughout our service area, and our investment in our water system continues to grow.
These investments, vital to providing quality water to AWC’s customers, have been made in key areas including water mains, storage tanks, treatment plant upgrades, dam improvements, new treatment facilities for smaller systems, and enhanced pump stations. AWC’s customers benefit from these important infrastructure investments and upgrades and have not received a general increase in rates since 2013. Costs associated with these investments related to property taxes and depreciation have increased 33% and 18%, respectively.
WICA (Water Infrastructure and Conservation Adjustment) is a surcharge that allows AWC to facilitate more timely replacements of aging infrastructure, such as old or problematic water mains, valves, hydrants, and other equipment. Under WICA, timelier, smaller increases on customers’ bills make it possible for AWC to invest in our infrastructure, enabling us to improve our service and delivery.
In recent years, WICA surcharges have allowed AWC to address pressing water main replacement needs without seeking a general rate review. However, PURA declined to approve AWC’s most recent WICA reset request, making it necessary to file for a general rate review.
Payment plans allow customers to pay past due balances over a period of up to twenty-four months and guarantees no service disconnection as long as the approved payment amount is made for the duration of the plan. With a payment plan, customers are not required to make a down payment, and will avoid fees and interest charges for the duration of the plan. Additionally, qualifying customers may also be eligible to receive a one-time assistance voucher in the amount of $50 to $250.
We have also proposed the expansion of our customer assistance program, offering a 15% bill discount for eligible, low-income customers. This assistance program is in addition to our voucher and payment plan programs designed to help customers that may have difficulty paying their bills.
Customers are welcome to provide comments on the application at any of the hearings, or electronically through the PURA web-filing system or by email to
Instruction on how to use the web-filing system may be found at:
Electronic comment submission is preferred, but in the event comments cannot be submitted electronically, they may be sent via mail to:
Ten Franklin Square
New Britain, CT 06051
Please refer to Docket Number 22-07-01 in any written or electronic correspondence. If you have any questions about the public hearings, contact PURA at (800) 382-4586 (toll-free in CT).
Aquarion has invested varied amounts of capital in its systems based on the size of its customer base. Rates can also vary when Aquarion purchases systems with lower rates or with contributed plant. In this rate review application, the Company is proposing to continue the process of equalizing rates across all its service territory.
Aquarion rates are among the most affordable in the industry and will remain so even with the proposed rates.
The Company has worked diligently to limit annual expense growth since the last rate case to under 3%. Even with these efforts manage significant rises in a number of operating expenses were experienced, including: